Life 4 Fitness

Shock absorbing and impact protective gym flooring for use in fitness centres, for functional training, crossfit and weight training areas. Thanks to impact protection, athletes no longer have to worry about their safety. 

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Usage classes and classifications


Flooring made up of particles derived from recycled tyres, coloured with polyurethane paint.


Installation instructions

Laying surface must be flat, smooth, dry, firm, free of grease and cracks, and maintain these characteristics over time. During installation, the ambient temperature must be at least +15°C and this temperature must be maintained for at least two days after work completion. Installation is carried out with easy-coverage glue using suitable adhesives according to the manufacturers' instructions. Maximum permissible residual humidity for a concrete substrate is = 2.5%. In the case of laying on subfloors that are not basements or lacking a ventilated crawl space, waterproofing is necessary before casting the screed.

Installation instructions
Cleaning and maintenance

Remove any traces of adhesive with Evo detergent. Flooring is walkable 12 hours after installation. Clean with a wet cloth and wash, avoiding the use of excess water. The polyurethane finish keeps the floor cleaner, and benefits from periodic maintenance with spray polish or wax (such as Cera Metal). If necessary, request detailed instructions. 

ATTENTION: Do not clean with solvents such as trichloroethylene, acetone etc. Prolonged resting of tyres may cause indelible dark marring to form on flooring.

Cleaning and maintenance
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