Cookie Policy

Extended information on cookies – COOKIE POLICY

What are cookies

Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by users send to their terminals, where they are stored to be re-transmitted to the same sites on subsequent visits. Cookies are used for different purposes, have different characteristics and can be used both by the owner of the site you are visiting and by third parties. Below, the User will find all the information on the cookies installed through this site and the necessary information on how to manage their preferences.
For more information on cookies and their general functions, visit an informative website such as
Cookies used by this site
The use of cookies by the owner of this site, Virag srl, with registered office in Milan, Corso di Porta Nuova n. 11, is part of the Privacy Policy; for all information required by art. 13 Privacy Code click here.

Technical cookies that do not require consent:
Cookies related to activities strictly necessary for the functioning of the site and the provision of the service:

  • wizardFilters
    Used to display the wizard search results list (expires at the end of the session).
  • pageFilters
    Utilizzato per memorizzare il filtro prodotti sulla pagina attuale (scadenza alla fine della sessione).
  • productsFilters
    Used to store the product filter on the current page (expires at the end of the session).

Cookies relating to the saving of preferences and optimization:

  • acceptPrivacy
    Used to store privacy acceptance (expiration 365 days).
  • favouriteProducts
    UUsed to store the user’s favorite products (expiration 365 days).
  • wizardSearches
    Used to store the user’s latest searches using the wizard (expiration 365 days).

Statistical cookies used directly by the site operator to collect information in aggregate form:

  • refererPage
    Used to retrieve information from the previous page (expires on page display).

Cookies for which consent is required

All cookies other than the technical ones indicated above are installed or activated only following the consent expressed by the User the first time they visit the site. Consent can be expressed in a general way, interacting with the brief information banner on the landing page of the site, according to the methods indicated in this banner (by clicking the OK button or continuing to browse, even with the scroll or through a link); or it can be provided or denied selectively, according to the methods indicated below. This consent is tracked on subsequent visits. However, the User always has the possibility to revoke the consent already expressed in whole or in part.

Advertising profiling cookies managed directly by the site owner:
These cookies are not used by this site.

Cookies managed by third parties:

Through this site cookies managed by third parties are also installed. You will find below some indications and a link to the privacy policy and the consent form for each of them. Everyone can also express their consent by continuing to browse or by closing this window.

Advertising profiling cookies:
These cookies are not used by this site.

Retargeting cookies:
These cookies are not used by this site.

Social network cookies:
These cookies are not used by this site.

Statistical cookies:
They are used by third parties, even in disaggregated form, for the management of statistics.

Below you will find the name of the third parties that manage them, and for each of them the link to the page where you can receive information on the processing and express your consent.

Access to information provided by third parties:
Privacy Policy:
Cookie Policy:

Remember that you can manage your cookie preferences also through the browser.

If you do not know the type and version of browser you are using, click on “Help” in the browser window at the top, from where you can access all the necessary information.

If you know your browser, click on the one you are using to access the cookie management page.

Internet Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox


For more information, visit

Lì, 05/04/2018

Privacy policy and cookie management

This site uses third-party profiling cookies to send you targeted advertising messages and services in line with your preferences. If you want to learn more or opt out of all or some cookies, read the extended information on cookies.
You consent to the use of cookies in order to continue browsing.
You are using an outdated browser.

To view the Virag site correctly, please use the new Microsoft browser Edge or install Google Chrome