Evolution Vertical


A surface that's gorgeous and functional surface, especially designed for interior wall cladding, which adapts to any setting. Great looks combined with high water resistance and quick, easy installation: CE-certified, it's the ideal line for renovations.

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Usage classes and classifications

Material Composition

LVT vinyl wall cladding in staves/tiles

wear layer in pure and transparent PVC 0.07 mm

decoration layer in pure PVC 0.10mm (printed with innovative techniques)

support layer in PVC 1.63 mm

The components are heat-assembled on a non-continuous press.

Material Composition
Installation instructions

The laying surface must be flat, smooth, dry, firm, free of grease and cracks and maintain these characteristics over time. During installation, ambient temperature must be at least + 18 ° C and this temperature must be maintained for at least 2 days after work completion. Installation is carried out with easy-spread glue using suitable adhesives according to the manufacturers' instructions. Maximum permissible residual humidity of the substrate is ≤ 2%. Condition the unpacked material for at least 48 hours within the rooms where it will be installed. Use of adhesives specifically for wall LVT on appropriate substrates is advised. If installing within humid environments, use of water-resistant smoothing compounds, adhesives and protective finishes is imperative.

Installation instructions
Cleaning and maintenance

Cladding can be used 48 hours after installation completion. Clean with a damp cloth. Use neutral detergents only. After years of use, if necessary, restore surface with a protective, water-resistant finish.

Cleaning and maintenance
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